Thursday, January 29, 2015

Our Sweet Angel is 18!!!

It's hard to believe she is officially an adult.  Eighteen yrs ago, this perfect child was born after being told she had a 10% chance of survival and even if she did, she would be abnormal.  We all agree she is definitely abnormal...abnormally perfect!!

 This is what she woke up to......
Once she grew out of always wanting Winnie the Pooh cakes, she always requests cheesecake. So this year we took her to Cheesecake Factory for the first time.  

Thursday, January 22, 2015

A Random Slice of Our Schooling Day

Yesterday was the Feast of St Agnes, which is the Confirmation name of one of the girls, so we made Agnesenplatzchen (St. Agnes cookies).  Honestly, they look nothing like all the beautiful pins I've seen of them but they tasted pretty good and we actually did it.  That's all that really matters.
 During the girls reading time, MRSA decided she needed to get up on the couch (she's not allowed to by the way).  Not only did she need on the couch, she kept shoving my daughter over to get more room!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Blogging = Dieting.....same thing....

How is blogging the same as dieting??? Well you tell yourself you can do this and I am going to start that day!!  You begin all gung-ho with the best of intentions, only to lose steam as the days/week(s) progress.  Next thing you know you forgot the fact you were ever blogging or dieting in the first place.  That's me anyway. But what do they say?  If at first you don't here I am trying again.  I suppose I should start dieting too.

Humor me and just pretend that I haven't missed a beat (or gained a pound).  In fact I can do better than that. I will give you the last year in abbreviated form.



There you go.  Now we are all caught up.....again. Now for the diet part....starting tomorrow....yeah, tomorrow.  I may still remember to do that by then.