Friday, March 22, 2013

Snapshot of Our School Days

Weezer randomly wrote this and made my day!

Then of course we couldn't forget Dad!

These were her actually spelling sentence one day.  She got a big kick out them and had to take a picture.

This is Angel's Biology lab teacher and he is FABULOUS!  

Ok, so maybe it isn't all fun and games.... I found this while grading papers.

March 13 was a BIG day

Weezer turned 9 yrs old!  My little baby isn't so little anymore.  She loves all things Irish.  Every year it is a green shamrock cake but this year she wanted it to also have monkeys on it.  For her birthday she also got a new pope, Pope Francis!  We loved him from the first moment we saw him.

Additions to Our Zoo

Wildthing finally found her leopard gecko and named her Sedona.  Sedona had lost her tail at the pet store which immediately endeared her to Wildthing.  She told me she wanted a gecko no one else wanted and she found her.  This thing eats like there is no tomorrow and her tail has nearly grown back.

Then of course Weezer and Angel decided it was time to get pets of their own.  We spied two parakeets that are brothers and couldn't separate them.  

Meet Weezer's pet, Mezoo (I have no idea how to spell that)  It means water in Japanese.

and Angel's pet, Benji.  This bird is practically glued to its brother.

I have to say, it is sort of nice to have a parakeet again.

Hodge Podge (aka...oops been awhile)

We had two, count them TWO, 15 inch snowfalls within a week.  We rarely get an inch of snow let alone 15!  The weather forecast is predicting another 6-9 inches tomorrow.  Sure glad the first day of Spring was two days ago.